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A sustainable and circular world, compostable new envelopes 💚🤙🍃

Because we know that the quality of our labels sent to you is very important and because we want to make sure that you will receive our parcel in the best condition, no matter what weather it is (and we are having in our mind those rainy days when usually a parcel would be full of soaked water :D), we are preparing all the label parcels in compostable (yes, compostable, you heard me well ) envelopes.

That means your parcel will be safe from rainwater or any dust and also you can just take the envelope and compost it into your home or any industrial compost heap.

If you do have in your garden a compostable heap, just throw it there and let it do its thing.

In such a way, we create a circular and sustainable economy for a better future!

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